When we hear "revenge porn," we usually think of cruelty sprung from a spurned man targeted at a misguided woman with obvious insecurities. Such is not the case. And, sorry ladies—we love ya—but women can be just as guilty as men.
Enter former porn star Jennifer Roubenes Allbaugh (or "Ruby"). This married minx had an affair with chief of staff (Adam Kuhn) to Ohio GOP Representative Steve Stivers, and felt—for unknown reasons—really super angry about their breakup. Why? Kuhn hasn't stated but let it be known that Ruby is married, while Kuhn is not . . . moving on. Anyway, Ruby tweeted pictures of Kuhn's dick generally saying that she hated him and that they were now "even." Whatever that means. And because this is 2014, everyone saw her more-than-150-characters. Whoops.
The Aftermath
Kuhn resigned this weekend, and Rep. Stivers accepted it. It's more-than-likely that Kuhn's career is forever ruined. Dick pics have a way of sullying your social status. In a released statement, Kuhn said:
"I realize and apologize I had used poor judgment in my personal life regarding this relationship."
But here we're going to add a resounding NooOoOoOo! Why, Kuhn, why? The only person who should be apologizing here is Ruby—Kuhn is the victim. Ruby is a spiteful bully, and should be treated as much. Being a woman (and former porn star) does not excuse her vengeful, spill-the-beans actions. The inevitable humiliation and infamy these tattle-tell tweets will wreak upon Kuhn's life could be lifelong. (Or, OK, until the next neo-puritan politician is sacrificed.) Yet, he still felt the need to take on some responsibility.
We say it's time to end this. When an influential man bows to claim responsibility for his victim-hood, we know we're in trouble. We find ourselves using the hashtag #YesAllWomen to discuss this type of behavior, but this incident proves the issue runs far deeper still. Basic notions of value and respect need to be retained, and social media must not be used as an instrument of love-lorn retaliation—as pithy and public as that recourse may be.
Honestly, we're saddened that Kuhn apologized for his "poor judgment." If he apologizes, it sends the message that other victims should as well . . . and that is simply not an appropriate reaction or a viable solution. While sleeping with a married woman is a less-than-dreamy moral scenario it's also not grounds for traipsing out deeply personal photos as a punishment because he doesn't love you/want to be with you anymore. Just because you lover breaks something off doesn't mean you're justified in publicly shaming him . . . and starring in some C-grade, self-directed, 90210 episode on love-triangles.
Image: See that? That's for you, Ruby. Courtesy of, Thinkstock